Now, if you look inside the crate at the kitten on the left, all you will see is a bunch of white. He's actually white and grey ("blue"). And he's mine. I decided that Demetrios needs a rasslin' buddy. The new kittten's name? Not Gunther, as the roomies have been calling him (he appears to be a bit cross-eyed). Slartibartfast. It's practically perfect in every way.
But enough about cats (or "fur babies", as I've heard them called).
I've started listening to two new (to me) knitting podcasts. Today. One, Sticks & String, is on the other side of the world. The other, Lime & Violet, is actually in Iowa, just down the interstate to the west. (I didn't know this until I looked at their Frappr map; I figured they must be nearby if they keep talking about Nebraska.) I've listened to all seven episodes of S&S, and three of L&V's twenty. Have a listen, if you're knitterly and podcastily inclined.
Inspired by Fyberduck's small rant on the the upcoming movie 300, I intend to watch Clash of the Titans when I go home. It ought to be good to knit to.
Oh, and as for the hair (re: The RHD's comment) ... I'm growing it out right now. Maybe I'll dye it soon. But it's getting longer, and I have no intentions to hinder that.
Note: For a moment, I hallucinated that the courthouse chimes were playing the theme to Futurama. Must schedule more sleep.
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