Slartibartfast, the baby.

Captain Jack Sparrow, in my very own room.

Demetrios, as his usual "Hey, I was sleeping here" self.
You see now why I need a Kitty Pi? Demetrios spends roughly 99.999% of the day napping. Okay, not quite so much. But seriously. I know that cats tend to sleep a lot, but I may have to get him checked out for narcolepsy. He will pass out anywhere.
And yes, Sister Berthe, we really did get a chinchilla. Brown and white and named Chi Chi! Curious that neither of us, with our new toys, have been able to catch him at play ...
Pretty kitties and Capt'n Jack Sparrow in a single post...I'm stuck somewhere between a cuteness OD and utter jealousy...
I'll have to take photos of the lot more often! Didn't know I could inspire jealousy with a couple of fuzzy cuddly creatures and a bit of cardboard ...
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