Wednesday, August 16

Swaps and such

Swap Swag So here's the stuff I got for the POTC swap ... First, a big red bag with a Jolly Roger and "Savvy?" stitched on one side, and a treasure mappish line on the backside. It's big enough to hold my current book as well as my usual day-to-day stuff, so I really like it. The fuzzy black is a pirate-y fun fur scarf; I realized yesterday that it's long enough for me to use as a belt, so I did. Someone said it looked like cat tails. (I laughed and said I've got the claws, too, for protection. Rawr!) The bright red object at the bottom of the photo is a wristband, which I wore both Monday and Tuesday. (I forgot it today, and it would have gone so well with my Headline News cap!) Finally, a (tamer) red satchel for "pirate booty". Really, it's holding a bunch of loose items that usually float around my bag. I really like everything — they're all pretty useful. (I kind of wish I'd gotten something a little more "Why is the rum always gone?" but I can do that myself.)

I got my swap partner for the Magic Yarn Ball Swap — hi, calico13, if you're out there! We've discovered that we're practically twins, so I think we'll have lots of fun. (Also, her signature says this: Dear Supreme Commander of the English Language: We respectfully request that there be more "h's" in the word "piranha", so that it is to be pronounced "piranhahahaha". How funny is that?)

In other crafty comments, I went through some of my stuff that's been gathering dust and cobwebs sitting in my parents' basement. I dug out some old crafty stuff that is still usable, and found six hardcover books to alter. I got a lot of inspiration from Lisa Vollrath's website, particularly the photos from a round robin she participated in, Impractical Magic. I find myself wanting to do something similar, with information I have collected both years ago and more recently.

Elsewise, the roommates are looking at moving into an apartment in Des Moines, not far from the new Hy-Vee near Jordan Creek. They're tired of the current landlord (surprise! so am I). I think it would work out feasibly, I'd just have a pain-in-the-ass commute every day (not that they don't now). All utilities are included with rent except electric; a 2-bedroom place will be roughly $300 a month, and a 3-bedroom apartment would be $279 or something like that, given that we have a fourth person. They have a person in mind. We're to look at it on Saturday. It sounds nice — 2 bath, rooms are 13x10, woodburning fireplace, pets allowed (even Luka), dishwasher and washer and dryer included ... I hear there's also a pool. That's open late.

Lots to think about, at any rate. (And damn, I just painted those walls, too!)

Well, I've got to get planning my yarn ball (and decide on yarn!) ... perhaps I'll be able to track down a pattern today. I also want to think about the layout of my book ... I think I want a niche or two.


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