Okay, just one*. But it was a big mf-ing spider. Probably two inches, toe to toe. And it was a wolf spider. Eight hairy legs, pointy butt —
wolf spider. (The first link is for Google Images, as in pictures of spiders. The second is from the caring people at termite.com, who think it's funny to animate a couple of the spider graphics just to make you squirm.)
Well, I'm glad I found it before it bit me. I mean, I respect spiders and all that (you, especially those of you who work with fiber,
know and love remember
Arachne, right?) but I'm not really a fan of getting welts or crawled on. Ew.
Enough about spiders. I need to go see if I can coerce the printer to work. I've got some patterns to print.
*Sorry about the dark picture. I didn't exactly have a chance to get out my light meter or anything, okay?
No, I don't actually have a light meter.
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