Anyway, the housemates and I saw Pirates Part Deux. When we saw the kraken at the end, a full-on mouth shot, we were all thinking the same thing: vagina with teeth. (You know what I mean if you've seen the film. Don't even deny it. Remember the goo? Yeah. I know. Disney's sneaky like that.) I really enjoyed the movie quite a lot. I recommend it (and the Des Moines Register gave it four stars), as long as you're not afraid of gigantic, toothy vaginas. You will appreciate the way Captain Jack Sparrow runs when chased by native cannibals. (I must practice that.)
Sunday evening we took a short trip to a local state park, where we played in the fjord. (I don't believe the locals actually spell it that way, but I thought it was a nice and distinctive Flickr tag.) The dog enjoyed it, even the part where we had to push him in the water because he's too chicken to jump.
I also managed to cast on three different projects this weekend: Widdershins socks (pattern) from the latest Knitty, ballband washcloth from the Mason-Dixon Knitting book, and another womb (pattern), which was requested some months ago and subsequently forgotten.
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