I have tutored Little Igor to be a man of this world. For example, I exhibited him a smutty magazine three days yore, so that he should be appraised of the many positions in which I am carnal. "This is the sixty-nine," I told him, presenting the magazine in front of him. I put my fingers — two of them — on the action, so that he would not overlook it. "Why is it dubbed sixty-nine?" he asked, because he is a person hot on fire with curiosity. "It was invented in 1969. My friend Gregory knows a friend of the nephew of the inventor." "What did people do before 1969?" "Merely blowjobs and masticating box, but never in chorus." He will be made a VIP if I have a thing to do with it.
While I'm typing about books I bought on Saturday, I may as well quote Bazaar Bizarre by Greg Der Ananian.
I was but a wee flaming homosexual when my mother wisely took me under her wing and taught me the ladylike skills of knitting and cross-stitch ... and so began my love affair with crafts.
Doesn't that just make you giggle with delight? (This book was half price, and I thought it was quite entertaining. And it is.)
In other random thoughts, I think I'd like to get a ball winder. Actually, a swift would probably be a better choice at this juncture — I can wind balls by hand with my makeshift nostepinne (read: paper towel tube). But when I buy yarn online (or elsewhere and forget to have it wound) and it comes in hanks instead of balls or skeins, I usually jump the gun and forget that the yarn will always tangle if I try to knit from it.
So, all ye knitters, do you have suggestions? I've heard from a couple of places — Craftster and the Knitty Coffeeshop — that Jo-Ann's is the way to go, since they offer a 40% or 50% off coupon virtually every month. (Or I may just get a winder and use chair backs, of which we have plenty.)
That's all I've got for now. It's time for lunch. (Useless!)
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