Unlike Dustro, I don't mind posting my negative feelings of today.
I really don't like Windows. Maybe it's just the computer I have to use at the Other Job, but it's infuriatingly slow. When I use Publisher or Word (or any of the Office programs), it seems that whenever I have to move text around or delete a line break or something, the text will lose all the attributes that I gave it. That's bullshit. Why should I have to tell it twice? Is it just user error?
Speaking of the Other Job, I have once again concluded that I still dislike the pastor. There's just something about him that makes me vaguely angry and gives my skin that crawly feeling and makes me feel just plain awkward. The worst part is that earlier today he asked if I could give him more time in the office. I told him no, which was the truth. He then said something to the effect of thinking that the other office worker, who was hired to do mostly accounting, and I would be able to cover the office hours; that the arrangement between the two of us was semi-permanent. I remained composed, but my head was reeling. Semi-permanent? Are you kidding me? This was just a temp thing, buddy boy. I cannot possibly spend more than six hours a week in your presence or I will poke my eyes out with those ugly foil-covered pencils on the desk. Sharpened or unsharpened.
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