These are now mine, as is this button...
I took my Flickr badge off because I think it's slowing up the load time. I've provided a link to my photos in the sidebar instead.
Last night I was in WDM watching my brothers and the rest of Vox, their vocal jazz group, perform and get critiqued before a tonight's concert. As my mom and I were leaving the auditorium to go find some dinner, one of my Dorian campers, who was performing in the next group, recognised me and said, "Xa, from Dorian, right?". It was great. I didn't get to stick around to listen to them, though, because my tummy was a-rumblin', and my mom needed to get home to sleep. But it was still cool.
And I just took the plunge and officially emailed the Yarn Harlot to enter the Knitting Olympics. Gold medal, here I come!
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