If I remember correctly, Ashlee's heading back to Belgium today. Safe travels.
And, to comment on yesterday's links, I was again reading Blogging Project Runway — the latest post (From the mailbox) even has a comment from Diana. (I neglected to mention yesterday that she's got another website, iHEARTswitch, which is a web-based show geared toward getting girls hooked on technology. You should check it out — Diana hosts it with Alison Lewis. There's not much up yet, but I suspect it will be going strong in not too long.) And I've gotten word (via Blogging Project Runway) that Project Jay airs Feb. 22. Whee!
I'm fairly certain we're going to see Brokeback Mountain tonight, as it's finally arrived in the Big O.
Finally, I adjusted the code so that, if the blog entries have been smooshing down to below the sidebar in your browser, it shouldn't. But let me know, just in case.
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