I saw Brokeback Mountain again with Brie and KT. I still don't know what to think about it. I keep going back and forth: liked it, hated it, liked it, hated it.
I was going to post a picture of my Kittyville hat, which I finished two days ago, but I can't make it any smaller due to not having a good photo editing program at home. It's a little big-ish, since I was spacing out on the stockinette part, but I don't mind. For now, you'll just have to imagine me wearing a red hat with earflaps and cute, pointy, kitty ears.
I really, really, really want to join the Knitting Olympics. But I have to decide what to do. The specs say something that's challenging to complete in 16 days. I want to do something with colorwork and/or felting. I'm definitely not ballsy enough for a sweater, but I could probably make a tote bag or something. Now to chart out a pattern or ten ...
As for this week's episode of Project Runway, what can I say? Emmett looked supergay in that shirt; it was so tight (toight like a toiger, in fact). I really think Santino should have been auf-ed this week, but Emmett's down for the count. Seeing Tim Gunn on ice, though, made me feel better.
But I have something to say about Chloe's designs. While I enjoy them, I have a small problem: so much turquoise! Half of them are turquoise. (Don't believe me? See for yourself.) Now down't get me wrong — I have nothing against the color. I am wearing a bit of it right at this very moment. But I don't feel she's branching out enough color-wise. Maybe it's just me, though. Or maybe she's trying to match Bravo's latest color scheme. Looking at her professional collections, she doesn't seem to have much turquoise going on at all. Maybe she's just really into the color right now.
At any rate, don't miss fourfour's recount of this week. It's sound byte heaven.
Also, it seems that Kara Saun's "Envy" dress from last season is up for auction. Go ahead. I double-dog dare you to bid on it.
It seems that Ellis is coming back to the Ritual Café in April. Any takers? (And on a side note, I found out that the Ritual Café hosts a SNB group on certain Sundays, so I may try to visit that some time. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend quality time at a café?)
I'm off to read Barry Trotter, which KT lent me.
"Stop that movie," Headmast Alpo Bumblemore said, "or Hogwash is history!" Already overrun by brawling, fetid fans of the bestselling Barry Trotter books, Hogwash is certain to be pulled down brick by brick after Barry's new big-budget biopic debuts. So Barry Trotter, Ermine Cringer, and Lon Measly are hauled out of retirement to face their toughest challenge yet. Not only do the twenty-two-year-olds have to elude packs of rabid fans, outwit Barry's sponging godfather Serious, and vanquish their old foe Lord Valumart, they have to face the most powerful enemy of all: Hollywood!— the back cover
Oh, and music geeks, check out this Honda ad.
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