What with all the church music I've been absorbing lately due to my mother's utter begging, it's no surprise that it's slowly seeping into back my brain. There's something irritatingly catchy about certain sacred tunes that makes them get stuck in your head; particularly the Lutheran ones, as the melodies are always awkward. Right now I've got about three songs from the cantata we sang at church today blending with "This is the feast" from my choir days at Luther when we were stuck at church.
But honestly, some of the lyrics from the cantata are terribly cheesey. Take this line: You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me. Worth and wonderful I can understand, but lovely? Is there something about the meaning of lovely that I missed?
Okay, I looked it up just now to be sure, and the first definition is "full of love; loving", which fits just fine. I always think of lovely as its fourth definition, "enjoyable; delightful". But still. Lovely? I think the lyricist was just tring to find a two-syllable word ending in the [i] sound.
Also, I'm quite addicted to this game, Bloomin' Gardens. Almost as much as Stack the Cats, which is kind of like Tetris, but with cat heads.
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