Tuesday, October 18

Small world

Choir 007
Choir 007,
uploaded by crimson.
Maybe stranger things have happened, but I'm not sure.

I went home, expecting two boring days of work. Early yesterday afternoon, my mom called me at work and asked if I was going to go to the choir concert with her that night. Not wanting to miss a chance at seeing my brothers sing, I agreed.

When I got there, I found out that it was more than a concert -- it was the Fall Festival of Choirs. (Gasp!) Not only did Chamber, Oratorio, and the men's and women's choirs perform, but Noteable Jazz (the show choir) did a few numbers, too. I was excited, because I rarely get to see my brothers dance (more rare than .

But then the choir director introduced the student teacher, who was going to direct one of the Oratorio songs. And it was Jenni.

I met Jenni years ago, during my god-fearing phase. We met at a church camp outside of Newton. She played and sang Tori Amos like a goddess. We were fast friends.

Jenni and I fell out of touch for quite a while. I talked to her maybe once or twice while I was at Luther. She almost went to Luther, but instead chose Simpson's piano program over Luther's.

After the concert, I searched for Jenni. We talked a little and exchanged emails. She told me that she'd thought my brothers looked familiar. Then I let her go, because she was tired and had to go to Waukee, where she has her second placement.

Seriously, it's a small world.


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