Friday, October 7

Romanes eunt domus

I woke up all frozen this morning due to lack of warm bedding, which I'll remedy when I go home tomorrow. I decided to thaw by watching a little Life of Brian, but I lost interest just after the 'Romanes eunt domus' scene. (To those of you who know Latin but haven't seen the movie for some ungodly reason, Brian's mis-declination gets corrected by one of the very Roman soldiers that he's telling to 'go home'. For those of you who don't know Latin or the movie, the correct phrase is 'Romani ite domum'.)

As time goes by, it becomes more and more apparent to me that e.e. cummings knows many important secrets.
To be nobody--but yourself--in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else--means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."

Oh, if you suddenly feel the urge to bid on something over at eBay, I've got just the thing. (Thanks to KL for emailing it.)

And after four years of missing the Covered Bridge Festival due to Luther's homecoming, I finally get to wander around our town square and explore crafty booths and, hopefully, find a giant pickle on a stick. (And hang out with some friends and stuff, of course.) Whee!

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