Today was the last Monday of my undergrad life, as far as classes go. I'm finishing up my last Monday hours* at Chips right now. I washed what was probably my last load of laundry to be done on campus today, due to the fact that I need more underwear and don't have quite enough money to buy more today. I talked to the verysmallRA last night and convinced her that her hair makes her look much more mature when it's curly, and also told her that despite the fact that she didn't marry Ali when she was 18 and in Egypt, she will still have beautiful Egyptian babies. We also decided that we must get together this summer, since she's working in DSM at Caribou. And that we should see an I-Cubs game and perhaps go to Adventureland.
I have pretty much nothing to do, unless you count the presentation I have to throw together for Linguistics, which is to be presented next Wednesday during our final time. Or the take-home portions of my anthro and Greek tests.
So apart from knitting and putting out a few friendship-fires due to end-of-semester stress, I've got nothing. I don't mean to flaunt it at those who have that nasty Really Big Project Build-up that tends to happen at the end of the year, and I do wish you the best. And I'm free if you need some time away from the last bits of your undergrad schoolwork. Like perhaps a coffee break that involves no coffee whatsoever.
* Unless I decide to make up some stylesheets for InDesign. I don't want the next production manager to be completely lost.
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