It's Esther.* Went to church. Don't feel God-y [not terribly gaudy, either], but feel good. Wearing pink, which isn't really in my character, generally.
Neil's got an excerpt from his book up on his website. I'm excited, although it sounds a little bit like C.S. Lewis' The Magician's Nephew** [part of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe series], which made me marginally sad. But only marginall. The rest of it's all good. Just like I expected.
I've also ordered Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell from Amazon, thanks to mom's credit card. She also ordered a couple of things ... church-y stuff. Speaking of church, I'm fairly certain that my parents are trying to take over the church. Not the Church, mind you, just the one they belong to. My mom usually plays the piano, but she can't now. So she directed the choir this morning. My dad sang in the choir. He was also a deacon [for communion and stuff]. And my mom filled in for the worship leader. It's a little scary, but I think this whole getting involved in church thing's been good for them. My parents are happier than they have seemed in a long time, and that's the way I like them. So I'll appease them by going to church once in a while ... at least while I'm home.
Also speaking of church, I think I've been to too many Lutheran services. I almost tried to say "thanks be to God" twice today.
Once again, I was going to jabber on about something else, but it's since passed out of my head. Must've been the skirt-wearing, leg-shaving girl that's seemed to take my place today.
Dustro requested that I have my links open in a new window, so I suppose I shall appease. Right after I change my shirt, since I spilled Dr Pepper on it. Blast.
* Due to a misspelling, Easter shall henceforth be known as Esther. Or at least until I forget about it.
** Aslan's singing the world of Narnia into existence bit.
Sunday, March 27
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