Once upon a time there was a little girl. She decided to spend some time
abroad, and her family decided to take over their church for one evening so
that they could raise money for her to do things with while she was there. Her
father cooked all day, making four different kinds of soups for a soup supper
— potato, ham and bean, chili, and oyster stew.
Also, as a last-minute thing, her mother asked her to sing a solo in church
that she had done five years previously. She wasn't too fazed — one
run-through and she was good to go. However, her mother neglected to mention
that they were singing the entire cantata, not just the piece with the solo.
And, as an added bonus, her mother taught her the descant so that she could
sing very high notes over the entire congregation and thus feel somewhat
embarassed when everyone came up to her after church to say, "Oh, you're not
going back to Luther! You have to stay and sing for us every Sunday!" and she
said, "No, I have to go finish my education but thank you anyway" and ran away
to hide in a corner until the rest of the churchy people had fled off to their
own homes.
This was all the same day. But I got upwards of $375 from people. And somehow,
I'm still getting random checks from people I don't really know. A librarian
gave me $50. And someone else gave me $100. They're both getting postcards.
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