Professor: ... So who is Padma Sambhava?
Ring-ring. Professor pauses. Ring-ring.
Professor continues lecturing. Phone continues ringing.
Professor: Padma Sambhava is the founder of Tibetan Buddh- Ring-ring. Could someone answer that?
Girl, tentatively: Main 114?
Girl listens.
Girl: Is there a Robyn in here?
No answer.
Professor: Tell them this is a classroom.
Girl: This is a classroom, you know.
Also, I realised that I didn't relate what happened when I went into Professor K's class. The students were quiet and bleary-eyed, except for two [which I was expecting, since it was 8am]. Those two answered most of the questions that Prof K posed. He spent maybe half an hour on the article I read, mostly utilizing me as a dictionary [and I was right that he didn't really understand FTM].
For the rest of the time, he told three stories and talked about a different article, which I hadn't read. It was less than exciting, and I'm afraid I didn't help terribly much. What can I say? When someone asks me how a lesbian relation might be different from a heterosexual relationship, how do I reply? It's not like I've had experience with either.
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