Tuesday, September 14


Today has been fabulous. I paid $750 to keep my spot in my study abroad class. Letting go of the money wasn't fabulous, but knowing that I have made two on-time payments has me pumped. Also, the weather has been absolutely delightful today. It's been pouring, and there was quite a bit of thunder earlier. In Greek, Shari [my prof] told us that she had never experienced such a downpour like this, and wondered if thunder like that was normal. [She just moved from California, after having gone to school in Massachusetts and growing up in Hawaii.] We assured her that around here, it's pretty normal, and that using her umbrella wouldn't be detrimental to her health [concerning the lightning]. I also saw Jacquieness today, and after seeing her new cell phone [which, oddly, is identical to mine] offered to make a fourth cell phone cozy for her. And I just finished a wonderful voice lesson, during which I got praised and laughed almost more than I sang. What a great rapport I have with my voice teacher. He officially rocks my face off.

Also, I got three requests for hats at work last night, which was mildly surprising. One of them has to be yellow, with ear flaps and a tassel, and a Charlie Brown stripe, if possible. I swear, production technicians are mildly insane.

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