So I think I'll be getting my knit on a lot more this semester than last. I've talked about my Stitch 'n Bitch book with my biddy a few times, and we're going to go gung-ho. I've got my heart set on the poncho [aptly named "Villa"] at knitty. I think the biddy's liking it, too, so we're going to adventure into the land of circular needles as soon as we can.
I also found a patter for a Dr Who scarf that I'd like to make for my dad. We used to watch lots and lots [and lots] of Dr Who on Friday nights when I was younger. I think that one of my brothers still keeps it up. We have VHS tapes up the wazoo of old episodes. Of course, we also have many tapes of New Yankee Workshop with Norm Abram [I think]. I'd always have to tape it, because it came one either just before or just after dear Bob Ross' painting show. Oh, so many memories.
So I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day getting my knit on, or at least a sizable portion. I've just learned that the biddy has gotten a cell phone, so I thought I'd knit another cozy or two. I ought to work on some of Jenn's custom bedroom art, too. I've got about half of it done.
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