In the last 24 hours or so, I have watched five movies. Yesterday, T rented four, and we watched them all [in the order of least gay to most gay]. Two, very small KwikStar break, and two more. The first was The Prince & Me. I must admit, it was a little of a guilty pleasure, as I like Julia Stiles. We followed that with CHO Revolution, which was pretty cool. It was very different from the other Margaret Cho DVDs I've watched, but I still very much liked it. [And do not go on a persimmons-only diet. Ever.]
We followed Cho with a crazy flick, Connie and Carla, which was about two women hiding from some gangsters by becoming drag queens. It was totally worth it, and I hope we get to show it during our movie night for Coming Out Week.
Our last movie was Camp. It made me crazy. Don't get me wrong - I enjoyed it - but I think that after three other movies, it gets to be a little much.
And today we watched Labyrinth with my future roommate, because she had never seen it. I don't think I could have allowed myself to live with someone who hadn't seen Labyrinth. ["Pants, magic pants."]
Of course, before we watched the movie today, we decided to go shopping around town and buy cutesy little things for our room ... we got a floor lamp, placemats for the wall, tissue paper, and little organizer containers with raspberry-colored lids for our desks. And we went to Agora Arts, where I very nearly purchased my most favorite print, Cultural Fable. You really must read it. I almost spent $30 on it. I didn't, though. I decided to be a little more discerning with my dolores [not Dolores, like the name that rhymes with a female "pink bean," but dollar-ayes].
And also, I had a very ADD day. Can you tell? Oh, and I think that, as I may have mentioned before, I was turning into T. I know now that I have in fact become him and am now a gay man. He, in turn, is me.
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