I had a very pleasant weekend. On Friday, we got a little schnockered and tramped out to the bar. [Forgive this next statement, for it will sound horribly racist. I promise you that I'm not trying to be racist.] There was a Scary Mexican trying to dance with AN. I was sort of grossed out, because his stature was short and he was wearing a greasy coat. I did what I had to, though, and started dancing with AN. She kinda asked me to, really, because the SM was freaking her out something terrible. So I did, and then he started to try to dance on the both of us. I wouldn't have it, so I subtly [well sort of] elbowed him in the ribs. Multiple times. It didn't do all that much, though, and we had to fend him off various times during the night. DR was helping once the SM went for AN and me. I'm fairly sure that we looked like crazy people, going around in circles subtly elbowing the SM away.
Good times.
Saturday, DR and I had some wine and cheesecake action [oh so good]. The wine was a café zinfandel, a bit more berry-flavoured than the standard white. very nice indeed. Also got to spend some chatty time with the biddy. It was wonderful, because I missed her.
On Sunday I went to MJD's house for pancakes and planning. We got so much done in that hour and a half that I didn't know what to do with myself afterward except sleep.
Yesterday I went to Peace Week meeting that wasn't so peaceful. Ironic, really.
Today we sang in chapel to prep for tour. We're leaving on Thursday morning. If I don't post before next Monday, that's why.
Cheers und bis später.
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