Thursday, September 6

206 for 2006

A while ago, probably in 2003, I saw a blog post, "203 in 2003". It was intriguing, and I meant to give it a go this year. It's basically just a giant to-do list. As it is the beginning of September 2005, I should have ample time to complete a large portion of this list by the end of next year. I realize that some of these things are hardly attainable, even though I'm giving myself more than a year. (I'm also battling boredom and insomnia, so don't laugh at everything.)

  1. Socks (Broadripple from Knitty, I think)
  2. Dr Who scarf
  3. Sweater for Dustro
  4. Wombs for the masses
  5. Fishnet stockings (SnB)
  6. Fair Isle (via Norwegian sweater, maybe)
  7. Intarsia
  8. Bag that does not act like a womb
  9. Bag shaped like a womb
  10. Blanket for mater mei
  11. Stuffed creatures
  12. Placemats to match the dishes
  13. Really big wall panel
  14. Panta headband (via craftster)

  15. Create
  16. Lyrics for "Ironic" so that every statement is indeed ironic
  17. Fill up a paper journal
  18. Scrapbook of knitting projects
  19. Wall decor for the living room

  20. Cunning linguistics
  21. Latin (brush it up)
  22. Ancient Greek (brush it up)
  23. Become fluent in either Latin or Ancient Greek
  24. German (more)
  25. Turkish (perhaps via the SCOLA channel)
  26. Modern Greek
  27. ASL (more than "Beware the flaming squirrels")
  28. Gaelic

  29. Books (which seem to be mostly from the banned books list)
  30. Catch-22 (finish it)
  31. Grapes of Wrath
  32. Satanic Verses
  33. Atlas Shrugged (finish it)
  34. The Handmaid's Tale
  35. 1984
  36. Flowers for Algernon
  37. Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
  38. Gullliver's Travels
  39. Origin of Species
  40. Paradise Lost
  41. Uncle Tom's Cabin
  42. The Anarchist Cookbook
  43. Lysistrata
  44. Discover R.A.B. by obsessively reading all of Harry Potter

  45. This is the meaning of life.

  46. Life
  47. Become a vegetarian (again)
  48. Remind parents that I'm "more of a Big Bang person"
  49. How about a relationship?
  50. Have a full-on lip lock session (may require help from previous statement)
  51. Get more in shape (other than round)
  52. Discover the meaning of life (42)
  53. Get some better posture, damn!

  54. Τεχνολογια
  55. Purchase iBook
  56. Purchase iPod
  57. Purchase fancier flickr account
  58. Typepad it up
  59. Learn all the functions on my digital camera
  60. Learn Flash
  61. Become more Photoshop proficient

  62. Travel (for the first time)
  63. Georgia (to visit Jon, of course)
  64. St Louis (to see the arch)
  65. Nashville (to see the "Parthenon")
  66. New York
  67. Boston
  68. Greek Islands
  69. Peloponnesus (Greece)

  70. Travel (back to)
  71. Selcuk, Turkey
  72. Serince, Turkey
  73. Istanbul, Turkey
  74. Athens, Greece
  75. Vougliagmeni, Greece (Astor Hotel at sunset)
  76. Ephesus (to find the Turkish Delight man)
  77. Canada (I'm not picky where)

  78. Teach
  79. Dustro to knit
  80. Someone to say "I threw the king into the sea" in Ancient Greek
  81. Someone to say "I threw the king into the sea" in Latin

  82. Television
  83. Tape the next season of Project Runway so Ashlee can see it when she comes back
  84. The real world is more than just a tv show
  85. Watching too many design shows will turn me to mush

  86. Avoid
  87. Paying off loans
  88. Being blasé about anything
  89. Conforming to everyone else's opinions
  90. The Smile and Nod Syndrome
  91. Taking things at face value
  92. Taking people at face value
  93. Conformity

  94. Study
  95. Current classics texts for children (to repent for poor senior paper)
  96. Linguistics

  97. Realize
  98. My brothers are getting friggin' old
  99. My brothers can dance (?!)
  100. Life may not be a bowl of cherries
  101. The world is my oyster

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