I have this funky weather widget called Forecastfox on my browser here at work. It can tell me all sorts of numbers and give me fun pictures of radar and useful stuff like that (for instance, in the photos below you can see a severe alert icon, the radar icon, a mouseover of current conditions, and icons for the next few days, which tell you the forecast when you mouseover). It gets data from AccuWeather.com.
I glanced up a while ago, after

If this doesn't qualify as fucking freezing, I don't know what does.
You see what I mean? This weather is absolutely ridiculous. I wish I had taken a screenshot yesterday of my beloved Forecastfox. It was an astonishing 50-some degrees here. I actually walked outside yesterday, outermost layer a sweatshirt. Today? Couldn't wear enough layers. Thankfully, I can easily catch a ride home. No way in hell I'm walking six blocks with a windchill this low.

Look at that forecast for Saturday! Much nicer than right now.
Although the temp, as of this second, has adjusted to 3 degrees above and a windchill of 29 below, so we're getting there. Slowly but surely.