Wow. Is it really Monday again? It feels like I was just here ... The
roaring wind tunnel air conditioning is on full blast here at work, so it's kind of like sitting inside a white noise machine.
Let's see. If you're in to Harry Potter, here's a great
illusion Dark Mark Scarf pattern that I saw in my feeds this morning.
This weekend BAS joined me at the rents' house (since my house was still shower-free). We took over my youngest brother's room, and his Wii. I've gotten pretty good bowling scores, let me tell you. (And B, I figured out how to purposely make the ball hook! It's so cool.) We had so much fun, let me tell you. I hope your mid-May trip becomes a tradition!
We ended up going as a group — B, Kas, Sister Berte, a friend of hers, and I — to see
Spiderman 3 at the local IMAX. I'm pretty sure we all thought we should have at least saved the extra $2.50 and just gone to a regular theater. It's not actually very fun seeing a full-length movie at the IMAX, especially if it wasn't filmed specifically for an IMAX screen. It would have been much better to see a (shorter) rainforest feature, or oceans or mountains or something. The spacing between rows is much too small, and three of the five of us ended up getting terrible knee cramps. It made me very fidgety during the last 45 or so minutes.
The movie itself was actually pretty dreadful. It seemed as though somewhere in the middle of a film, they handed the script over to a completely different writer who didn't know anything about Spiderman and just wanted to throw in a little swagger and greased-up hair. Dreadful. I know B's highlight for that part of the trip was seeing the Foucault pendulum, which has always and forever been my favorite part of the Science Center (where the IMAX is located), and I'd have to agree. That and the walk to Kas' new apartment, which wasn't far away at all.
Saturday I (wo)manned the garage sale for the family. It was quite warm out, but I had a fun swing thingy with an awning, so it was relaxing enough. We made about $150, after taking out the $75 change we started with. I got to keep the first $100, since I spent the day in the sun, so that was nice and lucrative. I wish I could make that much every time I sit outside ...
B and I went to Kas' apartment later that night for dinner, after a brief side trip to PetCo, where we ogled ferrets and fishes and birds. Sister Berte was also there — at dinner, not PetCo. We played games and had a general good time until, oh, 3 a.m., at which point B and I decided to drag our butts back to my parents' house so we could actually get a bit of sleep before she had to head back to the Bulbous Nose.
We snagged some Chinese (the food, not the people) for lunch on Sunday, after stopping at the hospital to visit my mom at work. Mom gave B the new facilities tour, and I got to wish her a happy-Mother's-Day-despite-the-fact-you-have-to-work-it.
It was a really great weekend, and I was glad B was able to visit. Holla!
The LL has been working on the bathroom a lot. There was much spraying and taking off of wall pieces, so I think we're moving in the right direction. Also, he told me that the city administrator that I talked to the other day was to inspect the bathroom, so that's another bonus. Sometimes it pays to take stuff to city hall.

I got a new table and a chair on Friday. The chair, which is a "euro chair," is low, and has a brown cushion. It's also still in the box, as I haven't really had time to put it together. I bought it at Pam & Ida's for $25; it had been marked $99.99, so it was definitely a steal. (So much so that I may go back and get another.) Since it was so cheap, I treated myself to an $8 copy of
Best in Show, which I haven't watched yet.
The table is actually quite cool. It's called a "Vienna table," or at least it was on the tag, and I got it at a used furniture place here in town for about $50. (Had I gotten it at a garage sale, it probably would have been marked $25 or $30, but whatever.) It's got three drawers that are about the right size for 12"x12" paper, and two flip-up hidey holes on top. I'm planning on putting papercraft WIPs in there.
I also got my package from mint for The End of Harry Potter swap on Thursday. Right after I left work, I thought, "Ah, wouldn't it be fantastic if there were a package on the stoop to surprise me?" And indeed there was. You can find pictures of my awesome spoils on my
Flickr. The ones titled "from mint" are obviously the ones I received.
I got a very funny piggy bank labeled "Pennies 4 Potter" (which is perfect, as I haven't saved to pay for my copy yet), a drawstring pouch filled with metallic Sculpey (for making my own sickles, knuts, and galleons, of course),
two tote bags as mint claimed one was messed up (though she was so clever in hiding the happy accident that I think it was quite charming), and a lovely blue calorimetry with silver buttons for making it the right size. Thanks, mint! Your package rocked my face off!
Oh, and as soon as I emptied the box, who jumped in? Demetrios. Of course.

Sorry for the lengthy diatribe. I wanted to make sure you felt you were getting ample information. Tee hee!